Dining Services

Sustainability Initiatives
- Students can help promote sustainability efforts by Dining-in and choosing real items (plates, silverware, cups etc.). Washing and re-using items is better for the environment than purchasing more single-use disposables or even compostable items, which require more energy and resources to produce.
- If you need your meal to-go, please choose a Go Green reusable container. Learn more here.
- Dining Services' three largest dining facilities haul all compostable waste to our on-campus in-vessel composter.
- Because compostable items cost significantly more than other non- ecofriendly items, students are asked to contribute $.35 per to-go container/order. KU Toss and KU Spice charge .60 for to-go bowls & lids.
- UD Dining started using compostables in 2009 and has successfully diverted several tons of waste from going to the landfill.

Additional ways you can help:
You can do your part by supporting the University in its sustainable steps and urging movement forward by:
- Dining in! There is a $.35 charge on compostable to-go containers. (KU Toss and KU Spice charge .60 for to-go bowls & lids.) Instead, use a real plate or choose a Go Green container if you need your meal to-go. Return dirty dishes, containers and any food waste to the tray return in the dining venues to be composted.
- Try out any of our local products that support the partnerships we are making in the community.
- Learning about UD's 3- part disposal system so that you are aware of what should be composted, recycled and thrown into the garbage for landfill.
- Using a refillable water bottle/mug for your beverage throughout the day.

Eat Local
The University of Dayton Dining Services proudly supports the institution's commitment to community, serving a variety of locally sourced products throughout our dining facilities. By utilizing local suppliers we bring fresher produce to the University, use less fuel in transport and provide job opportunities.

We offer a variety of plant-based menu options
Start small by eating one plant-based meal per week. Then increase the frequency of plant-based menu items. All dining venues offer different plant-based meals, so give them all a try!
- Going meatless! Decreasing meat consumption, even once a week, can greatly decrease your carbon footprint. By choosing plant based meals, you will be able to easily make delicious and environmentally conscious meal decisions.
- Check out the Green Life, plant-based menu items at VWK
- Look for plant-based options at Marycrest and KU, such as tofu, dairy free cheese, and other new offerings.